Introducing Listing Quality Score
Based on multiple requests by our members, Egrow is releasing another powerful feature the Listing Quality Score (LQS).
With this straightforward metric, you can determine the quality of an on-page optimization of a certain Amazon product details page. Instead of opening every product page on Amazon and manually analyzing various elements of the listing, you can simply look at a number from 1 to 10 (10 means best optimized) and save a great deal of your time.
The LQS provides a completely new possibility of performing product research on Egrow. Now you can easily spot listings which are poorly optimized and find opportunities to launch your next product with a better optimization.
What is the Listing Quality Score?
The LQS is a unique algorithm developed by Egrow. It is calculated based on numerous important factors in the Amazon product on-page optimization.
Among other parameters of the algorithm the most important elements for the calculation of the LQS are:
– Title length (The number of words in the Amazon product title)
– Number of images
– High vs low image resolution
– Amount of reviews
– Best Seller Rank (BSR)
– Amount of bullet points
– Length of different text elements on the product page
– Customer questions
All elements are taken into account and every element is weighted differently. The in-house algorithm developed by Egrow takes all elements as inputs and calculates the Listing Quality Score. The values for the LQS vary from 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest score which represents the best-optimized listing.
Where can I find the Listing Quality Score in Egrow?
The LQS is visible on every product details page.
You will see the column for the LQS in the Product Database and the Live Amazon Scanner.
In the Live Amazon Scanner, the LSQ is available only for products that are already included in Egrow’s database. If you would like to see the LQS for all products in the Live Amazon Scanner – send us an email and let us know. Don’t forget that we build all tools and features based on your feedback.
Your opinion is important!
Tell us your opinion about the Listing Quality Score. Is there anything we can improve? Email us here at any time.