Find Amazon Competitor Keywords with the Reverse ASIN Research

About a month ago we have run a survey asking members of the Egrow community which next tool they would like to see in our tool collection.
The one with the most votes was “Reverse ASIN Research Software”, the tool that can help you to find Amazon competitor keywords from organic search results.
Now, it is available inside the member area of Egrow.
What is Reverse ASIN Research?
This tool will show you for what keywords some product has ranked in organic search results in Amazon.
You can access the tool inside Egrow’s member area, in the Tools menu.
Simply insert an ASIN or the full product URL and press the Go button.
The results will show a list of keywords with all important metrics from Egrow’s database which are:
Position in organic Amazon search results, OS (opportunity score), Search Volume, Total number of products for that keyword in the Amazon results and a table with average values calculated for the first 10 products of that keyword.
What is coming up next?
Next tool requested by Egrow’s members is the Rank Tracker and we are already working on this one.